About Property Fraud Alert

Madison County, IN Recorder's Office - Fraud Alert

Madison County, IN Recorder's Office - Fraud Alert

Madison County, IN Recorder's Office - Fraud Alert
Property Fraud Alert is a FREE subscription service offered to the public that
allows them to have their name monitored within the Recorder's office. The
subscriber will be notified anytime the registered name (individual or
business) is recorded in our system. An alert does not necessarily mean that
something fraudulent happened it simply says a document with the
registered name has been recorded. If you are unsure of what could have
been recorded at the time of the alert, call our office to see what the
document is.
The threat of mortgage fraud and identity theft crimes continue to rise, and
all too often victims of these types of fraudulent activities are unaware their
homes or identity have been stolen. While Property Fraud Alert does not
prevent fraud from happening; it provides an early warning system for
property owners to take appropriate actions should they determine possible
fraudulent activity has taken place.
It's simple and fast to sign up. All you need is the name(s) you want to be
monitored and the method you want to be alerted by. Please note that it is the
individual or business name we monitor not the property. Our office records
land records as well as other types of documents. With your name, you're
alerted when anything with your name on it is recorded. This includes deeds,
mortgages, liens, and other documents.
We can alert you by email, phone voice, and/or phone text. You can sign up
on your own at the following link:
Call our office at 765-641-9613.
Or scan the QR code.

Special notes regarding signing up for property fraud alert:
Be sure to only use first and last name. Less is more. If you include your
middle initial, middle name, or suffix you may not get an alert when someone
would just use your first and last. By using only first and last you cover first
and last indexes and all other combinations of middle initial and suffix.
Learn more commonly asked questions at the following link: