
Searching & Printing
The Recorder’s Staff will not search public records or give any legal opinions. If you know the recording information, you may request a copy from our office. Otherwise, you may come in and use one of our public access computers. You may access our records in our public access room during normal business hours Monday thru Friday, 8 am to 4 pm. There are also 3 online options to searching.
Honor Rewards Program
By recording your Military Discharge papers or DD214 at no cost we can sign you up for the Honor Rewards Program. Your Honor Rewards card gives you discounts at participating businesses. Sign up in our office or through the button below.
If your business would like to be a part of the Honor Rewards Program, please sign up in our office or through the button below. Thank you for helping us honor our veterans.
Recording Requirements and Fees
There are a few options in recording a document with our office.
Coming into our office on the second floor of the courthouse.
Sending in your documents by mail.
Using a third party E-Recording vendor.
More details on submissions, requirements, fees, and more can be found by pressing the button below.
Requesting a DD214 (Military Discharge)
The Indiana State Statute IC 10-17-2 allows you to safeguard your discharge papers by filing them in the County Recorder’s Office. This service is free of charge to you. The original documents or a Veteran’s Administration certified copy may be filed Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. If you have lost or misplaced your Official Discharge Papers (DD214) and you have recorded it with the Recorder’s Office you may obtain a certified replacement copy at no cost to you. Click the button below to put in a request for your copy and contact our office to let us know you have a request in.
Property Fraud Alert
The Madison County Recorder’s office offers a FREE service to Madison County property owners to protect them from identity theft. This service will notify property owners when documents are recorded in our office with their registered name. This is a proactive service that will provide property owner’s a tool to protect their home from property and mortgage fraud. Sign up today using the button below or call our office at 765-641-9614.